Show Employee Salary Field
GET /services/api/v1/employee_salary_fields/{id}
Returns the requested employee salary field.
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | string | The ID of the employee salary field. |
Requested employee salary field.
- Example
- Schema
"id": "VrB2LYA2",
"type_of": "net",
"accessor": "net",
"name_de": "Nettogebetrag",
"name_it": "Importo netto",
"name_en": "Net amount",
"hint_de": null,
"hint_it": null,
"hint_en": null,
"placeholder_de": null,
"placeholder_it": null,
"placeholder_en": null,
"values": null
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | Employee salary field id. |
type_of | string | Type of the employee salary field. |
accessor | string | Accessor for the employee salary field. |
name_{locale} | string | Name of the employee salary field in all locales of the business. |
hint_{locale} | string | Hint for the employee salary field in all locales of the business. |
placeholder_{locale} | string | Placeholder for the employee salary field in all locales of the business. |
values | json[] | Possible values for the employee salary field as seen in the values table below. |
"values": [
"id": "unknown",
"label_de": "-",
"label_it": "-",
"label_en": "-",
"id": "c1",
"label_de": "C1 (ehemals A)",
"label_it": "C1 (ex A)",
"label_en": "C1 (formerly A)",
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | The identifier of the value |
label_{locale} | string | Label of the employee salary field value in all locales of the business. |
Employee Salary Field Types
Employee Salary Field Type | Type | Accessor | Description |
text | string | cf_{number} | Short text string. |
currency | float | cf_{number} | Float number input. Rounded to 2 decimals. |
integer | integer | cf_{number} | Integer input. |
float | integer | cf_{number} | Float input. |
select_single | string | cf_{number} | Single value dropdown. Possible values are provided in the 'values' field. |
select_multiple | string[] | cf_{number} | Multi value dropdown. Possible values are provided in the 'values' field. |
select_radio | string | cf_{number} | Radio button select. Possible values are provided in the 'values' field. |
checkbox | boolean | cf_{number} | Simple checkbox. |
date | string | cf_{number} | Date field for ISO 8601 timestamps. |
datetime | string | cf_{number} | Datetime field for ISO 8601 datetime-timestamps. |
notes | string | notes | Text input field. |
gross | float | gross | Gross salary. |
net | float | net | Net salary. |
salary_type | string | salary_type | Type of salary. Possible values are: "text", "currency", "integer", "float", "select_single", "select_multiple", "select_radio", "date", "datetime", "checkbox", "salary_type", "gross", "net", "notes". |