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Here you can find a list of common Errors and how to handle them.

Error Types

HTTP Status CodeMeaning
400 Bad RequestInvalid Request.
401 UnauthorizedInvalid authentification. Make sure you have provided a valid API Key in the header as specified in Authentification.
403 ForbiddenYour authentification is valid, but you do not have the scopes to perform this action. Most probably, the api key is missing the scope.
404 Not FoundThe requested resource could not be found.
422 Unprocessable EntityThe request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors. Check the specific errors to get more information on what went wront.
429 Too Many RequestsYou have exceeded the API Rate Limit.
500 Internal Server ErrorAn error occured on our end. This should never happen, but if it does, please contact us, so we can resolve the issue!

422 Unprocessable Entity

When receiving 422 Unprocessable Entity there are a number of different possible causes. The errors in the body of the response contain specific informations on what went wrong.

"base": ["This category cannot be deleted because there are fields assigned to it."],
"birthday": ["This field is invalid"],
"email": ["This field is mandatory."],
"location_ids": ["This field is invalid."]