Here you can find a list of common Errors and how to handle them.
Error Types
HTTP Status Code | Meaning |
400 Bad Request | Invalid Request. |
401 Unauthorized | Invalid authentification. Make sure you have provided a valid API Key in the header as specified in Authentification. |
403 Forbidden | Your authentification is valid, but you do not have the scopes to perform this action. Most probably, the api key is missing the scope. |
404 Not Found | The requested resource could not be found. |
422 Unprocessable Entity | The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors. Check the specific errors to get more information on what went wront. |
429 Too Many Requests | You have exceeded the API Rate Limit. |
500 Internal Server Error | An error occured on our end. This should never happen, but if it does, please contact us, so we can resolve the issue! |
422 Unprocessable Entity
When receiving 422 Unprocessable Entity
there are a number of different possible causes. The errors in the body of the response contain specific informations on what went wrong.
"base": ["This category cannot be deleted because there are fields assigned to it."],
"birthday": ["This field is invalid"],
"email": ["This field is mandatory."],
"location_ids": ["This field is invalid."]