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Common Terms

If you are new to onboard and are not familiar with the application itself, you can find a list of commonly used terms in this file and get an insight on what they mean and why you need them.


onboard consists of two modules:

  • Recruiting: The application tracking system (ATS)
  • Talent Management: Employee management

The website gives information about each module.


  • Business

    Every onboard installation is a business at it's core. The business contains all the core information of a client's installation, like the locales used in the business.

  • Location

    A business consists of multiple locations. These usually follow a tree-like structure. A location can also be a sub business.

  • Department

    A business consists of multiple departments. These usually follow a tree-like structure.


  • Job

    A job is a job opening where candidates can apply to.

  • Application

    An application is a candidate that applied at the business.

  • Application Field

    Applications can have a lot of different attributes, like a name, gender or email address. These attributes are defined by so called application fields.

Talent Management

  • Employee

    Every business has a list of employees, wether currently active or not. These employees consist of a variety of different attributes.

  • Employee Field

    Employees can have a lot of different attributes, like a name, gender or email address. These attributes are defined by so called employee fields.

  • Employee Status

    Every employee is assigned a status, so that they can be categorized and differentiated between more easily.

  • Employee Job

    Every employee can have multiple employee jobs, which describe the past, present and future employment agreements between the employee and the employer.

  • Employee Job Fields

    Employee Jobs can have a lot of different attributes, like a name, department or location. These attributes are defined by so called employee job fields.

  • Employee File Category

    Every business has a list of employee file categories. These can generally be compared to folders in an operating system, but all employees share the same folders, but can only see their content in said folders.

  • Employee File

    Employee files describe all files associated with an employee, like payroll, cv's and others.