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List Application Fields

GET services/api/v1/application_fields

Returns the default list of application fields. Every business has a default set of application fields. In onboard, the user can expand the list of fields in the application form for each job advertisement, but this is very rarely done. Job advertisement specific fields are not supported by the API endpoint.


Results list.

"entries": [
"id": "A96ey16n",
"type_of": "text",
"accessor": "first_name",
"required": true,
"internal": false,
"name_de": "Vorname",
"name_it": "Nome",
"name_en": "First name",
"hint_de": null,
"hint_it": null,
"hint_en": null,
"placeholder_de": null,
"placeholder_it": null,
"placeholder_en": null,
"values": null
"id": "Lez8GJ6g",
"type_of": "select_multiple",
"accessor": "cf_64921",
"required": false,
"internal": false,
"name_de": "Zweisprachigkeitsnachweis",
"name_it": "Certificato di bilinguismo",
"name_en": "Certificate of bilingualism",
"hint_de": null,
"hint_it": null,
"hint_en": null,
"placeholder_de": null,
"placeholder_it": null,
"placeholder_en": null,
"values": [
"id": "unknown",
"label_de": "-",
"label_it": "-",
"label_en": "-",
"id": "c1",
"label_de": "C1 (ehemals A)",
"label_it": "C1 (ex A)",
"label_en": "C1 (formerly A)",
"id": "b2",
"label_de": "B2 (ehemals B)",
"label_it": "B2 (ex B)",
"label_en": "B2 (formerly B)",
"current_page": 1,
"per_page": 30,
"total_entries": 2